Sunday, September 19, 2010

Casual flings CAN lead to love

The lurve doctors at the University of Iowa in the US have discovered that falling into bed with a guy could be a great way of getting into a serious relationship... really?

Yes, really! The research, carried out by sociologist Anthony Paik with the help of 642 Chicago-siders, found that waiting a long time to get sexually involved with a guy did not necessarily guarantee long-lasting happiness.

Paik said: "We didn't see much evidence that relationships were lower quality because they started off as hook-ups. The study suggests that rewarding relationship are possible for those who delay sex. But it's also possible for true love to emerge if things start off with a more 'Sex and the City' approach, when people spot each other across the room, become sexually involved and then build a relationship."

Paik also revealed that a lot of the couples who were happy in their relationships had got involved after being acquaintances first or becoming "friends with benefits".

So what are you waiting for, girls? Grab a male mate and fall in love!

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